Tag Archive | problems


Been laying in bed, other than going to restroom for over two days now due to this kidney infection.  Talked to doctor offices on the phone about it.  Family doc has me on antibiotics, which I have been on one or another since last summer now.  This is the first time my kidneys have hurt like this.  The fact that I can even FEEL pain with all the opoids I take is beyond me…but my body must just love to scream out I guess.

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I have an appointment with a urologist next Thursday…ONE WEEK.  If I make it that long without going to the ER, I will be so happy…but I dunno.  I do not want to go to the ER.  I do not want more damn medical bills, plus I would get there and sit out in chairs for hours, then triaged for a couple hours, left on a hard cot for hours, then there would be the whole med ordeal…whenever you are on strong pain meds, they give you “the look” and start calling docs and pharmacies to make sure you’re not a junkie…lol.

I feel like crap obviously.  Layin in bed on my heating pad constantly.  Drinking tons of water.  I got cranberry tablets, but then found out I shouldn’t overdo cranberry or cherry type juices or supplements due to my blood clotting disorder and taking bloodthinners…so, yea.  Add to the joy of me, since I do take narcotics, I am clogged up…haven’t gone in 2 weeks now…belly feels like knives are traveling around in there…all that scar tissue.  I’m taking massive quantities of Mirilax and Lactulose, with zero results so far.  Adds to the fun.

I’m feeling pretty much alone.  I have a supportive family, thank God…and some good friends…but I FEEL alone.  Thank goodness for my online friends, who also live with the same problem of pain day in and day out..they help me more than they know.  Just having a connection with someone who REALLY knows what it’s like to live life like this, helps me tolerate it a little more.  I wish they lived closer, so we could chillax together and commiserate! 😉

Every single movement brings pain in one part of my body or another.  It’s really mind boggeling if you think about it.  Move your arm…did you cringe?  Bend over…did you burst into tears?  Raise your arms to shampoo your hair… did you wince?  Take a deep breath…did you stop short in pain?  All of that and worse happens to me every time I move.  It’s a really bizarro way to live your life.

I am young.  I want to have a normal life.  I want to be physical.  I want to exercise.  To shop.  To swim.  To just BE….without all the challenges of doing it all with excruciating pain.  I hate swallowing a tub of pills everyday.  I hate the brain fog that comes with it.  I hate the negative emotions swirling in my head.  I hate hating the man that did this to me. I hate that I can not totally forgive him for making my life a living hell.

So, yea…alone.  That’s how I feel.  Even with family and friends.  I am ALONE with my pain.  MY experience with pain.  My emotional connection with the pain.  My way of dealing with the pain.  Some days I can be positive.  Some days I just can’t do it.  I can’t fake it.  I have to let it out.  I have to be grouchy and sick.  I have to be selfish and just take care of my needs for a period of time…then I can get a second wind, and be there for everyone else.  During those “down times” they just have to struggle along without my services…lol.  Sometimes I feel they would all be better off if I just was gone in some way.  I am sure it sucks to have a wife and mother who is ill.

Those of us who know pain on a real deep and personal level, are alone to a large extent…even if we were all in one room together, we each live with the pain differently.  We each feel the pain differently, emotionally and physically.  Some are stronger than others physically, some emotionally.  Some are stoic, some wear it on their sleeve…some fall in between.

Life is hard for everyone to some degree.  We all have our issues, our problems…I think maybe I “FEEL” other peoples problems more than I need to…I tend to make their problems my own in some ways.  I need to stop that, for my own preservation…stress does of course increase the bodys pain perception…stress can destroy your health.  Therefore, somedays…..being ALONE…is just what you need to be.

My prayer for today is for all my friends who are living with pain…to have some less painful days…whether alone or in a crowded house.

Thanks to all the kind readers who visit my little blog here…usually just me blatthering on about poor pitiful me…but better to put it here, then to allow it to fester in my head.
